If you’re between 15 – 20, you’re always learning something, and there’s one thing I’d like you to learn from this article, this is it:
There are two kinds of people in the world. Those who like Neil Diamond, and those who don’t.
It’s one of my favourite movie lines, from a movie that I had to Google the title, and couldn’t tell you anything about the plot line, and not really what I want you to learn, but I was reminded of it when I thought about people who work in coffee. This is the real thing to remember:
There are people who work in a cafe, and people who don’t.
And why should you, be one of the people who do? Why coffee over the fish and chip shop, babysitting, the bookstore or McDonalds? Or even plumbing, carpentry or electricionry?
Here’s why:
Coffee is fun.
Do you need another reason? I’ve been making coffee for 15 years and I still think making coffee is fun. Pulling a perfect shot, pouring a silky smooth rosetta, each cup has the potential to give you a boost of dopamine keeping you in a good mood all day.
Learning is fun.
I may have lost you, but stay with me. There’s so much cool stuff to know in coffee. There’s new techniques to learn and to master, recipes and workflows, and it’s a great feeling getting your head around it and feeling like you’re getting a command of it. But beyond that, specialty coffee is a growing industry in many different directions. You can learn more about the science of coffee, agriculture and green bean production, business studies, management, the cultural and social effects of coffee in society. Innovations in equipment. So much!
It gives you skills
Life skills. Working in a team skills, working under pressure skills, public relation skills, efficiency skills. Coffee skills. And employers dig people with skills. So even if you don’t intend on staying in the coffee industry for life, you’ll leave being so well equipped for any situation your new job will throw at you and handle it with aplomb.
It gives you a career.
Just like we mentioned in all the potential learning, there are so many directions a career in coffee could take you. Head barista, roaster, trainer or manager, cafe owner, technician, green bean buyer, sales and marketing, research and development, coffee communications (me!), social development, and the list goes on and will continue to grow!
Coffee Community
You’re guaranteed new besties when you work in specialty coffee, it’s inevitable. It’s the cherry on top. And if this is the only reason you want to work in a cafe, that’s good enough reason for me.
If reading this has inspired you to join our hospo community or to encourage someone you know to join our hospo community, you can find out more about our courses HERE. We also have a 2 Day cafe bootcamp running in the school holidays and well as Foundation Barista & Latte Art courses.
Feel free to reach out to us in you have any questions on 1300 030 327