Does Your Landlord Call the Shots?
Being a café and business owner, you know you need to be flexible. Adjusting quickly to competition,you may decide to open earlier, stay open later or add a liquor licence…What if your landlord says NO?
We at Black Market Roasters have a panel of advisers, one being Peter from PNA Legal who knows the tricks to not only survival, but domination in the Retail world. Get the Black Market Insight below.
Peter from PNA Legal advises us: “The first step is to define what is included in the lease and ask for the ‘little’ details like outdoor seating and licensing early. 80% of favourable concessions are secured in the first 20% of the negotiation and before the agent is really paying attention.”
Practically this could mean including specific Clauses, which can be tailored to your business as discussed above. If this is not considered and applied, your Landlord does not have to give consent to a DA variation and hence you can be denied even before approaching Council.
Being a Wholesale Coffee Supplier based in Sydney, Black Market Roasters along with our Advisors such as PNA Legal, give our clients the best foothold in their chosen locale. These snippets of information may seem simple, though it puts the ball back in your court and allows you to call the shots!
At Black Market Roasters, we specialise not only in professional advice & service, but also in fresh, exotic and sweet single origins from around the world. We are a wholesale coffee roaster, supplying cafes in Sydney and helping raise the standard of cafes that we love to visit. We retail many different types of coffee as well as decaffeinated coffee beans, light roast coffee beans plus more!