Growing up in Australia in the 80’s meant that I was educated and inspired by Mr Squiggle and his remarkable talent for drawing pictures from squiggles. This might not sound impressive, but when I tell you that the picture looked like child’s scrawl until Rebecca said, ‘I’m sure it;s obvious Mr Squiggle but I just don’t see it.’ and he would reply, “that’s not surprising Rebecca”. Then Blackboard would dourly direct, “upside down, upside down”, as he weathered the insult that his sole purpose of being drawn upon with chalk had been demoted to holding newer technologies like paper and pencil – and Rebecca would spin the drawing 180 degrees and whacko! It’s a leaping frilled-neck lizard wearing a tutu!
This is precisely the amazement and wonder one gets from making an inverted Aeropress.
So here is the Inverted Aeropress or Invertopress (this name has not yet caught on, but it will. Any day now) Method, Mr Squiggle style: upside down, upside down.
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