The Growth of the Australian Café Industry
There are 6,701 cafes right now in Australia, helping to contribute toward $4.4bn in revenue. 35% of cafes are in NSW and 28% in VIC and the industry is in its growth stage.
What Does that All Mean?
Basically it is saying that the industry as a whole is in a pretty healthy place right now. Though many cafes do go out of business, the ones that survive are growing stronger and stronger as the Australia public feed their appetite for cafes in everyday life.
Real household discretionary income is the main determining factor of the overall health, as cafes are considered generally to not being a ‘need’ a drop in household income would see a decline in café revenues. Conversely, as is currently the case, Australian are becoming more wealthy and cafes are right in the path to benefit.
Who are the Big Guys?
Well to be honest…no-one! One company does not dominate the Australian café industry, which is quite rare. Companies like Gloria Jeans, Michelle’s Patisserie and other chains have found it hard to establish a foothold, owing to the strong quality focus of many independent cafes and the market demand for that quality.
For more industry stats and to find out how you can tackle the future café industry more confidently, send Black Market Roasters a Wholesale Request Form and we’ll have a sit-down.