PNG Baroida AX Washed By Jess Hol I like that this estate, ‘Baroida Estate’, is named after a spirit that subsists in a large river rock. The legend goes the […]

Guatemala Antigua Pastores The image of this towering volcano has me dreaming of travel and thinking about which coffee region we’ll hit up as soon we get the opportunity to […]

ROASTERS CHOICE – ETHIOPIA WUSH WUSH After months of waiting, our Ethiopian coffees have finally arrived! Held up by logistic problems fuelled by COVID and politics (Ethiopia was left […]

WHAT’S JESS DRINKING THIS MONTH? My pick for this month is a special coffee from Honduras. As an espresso it is bright and vibrant! Imagine a wicker basket overflowing with […]

Black Market Single Origins
PNG TIMOR LESTE Bright Roast Waghi Valley Washed Lutlala Natural Yirgacheffe Kigibah estate sits in the stunning Waghi Valley of the Western Highlands surrounded by towering dark blue mountains. […]

Sparkle: Our Special 2019 Christmas Coffee
Christmas is around the corner! This special time of year calls for a special coffee blend. We’ve matched two amazing honey-processed coffees. This stunning blend of Sumatra Kerinci and El […]

Our Latest Single Origins

Summer Singles
We’re starting off the new year with some damn good coffees! Papua New Guinea | Amakai Honey Natural From the volcanic soil at foothills of he Kubor Range in Papua […]

Sparkle: Our Special Christmas Coffee
Christmas is around the corner! This special time of year calls for a special coffee blend. We matched a stunning Nicaraguan, with notes of ripe berries, vanilla and candy canes […]

Our Spring Single Origins
The weather is warming up, and we have some delicious new single origins from around the globe! Colombia | Huila | Washed | Cashew, milk choc & citrus Grown […]

Single Origins: February
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Barahona Paraiso | Process: Washed | Elevation: 600-700 MASL | Harvest: October to June All the way from the picture perfect Carribbean comes this fabulously lush coffee. Barahona lies in the […]

A Short Introduction to Coffee Processing Methods
Occasionally in a cafe you may see information about a coffee bean, including it’s country of origin and a few other facts such as the altitude it’s grown at. You […]
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