My pick for this month is a special coffee from Honduras. As an espresso it is bright and vibrant! Imagine a wicker basket overflowing with cherries, flowers, orange, peach, strawberries and lime and your on your way to imagining how it feels to drink this coffee. Whilst roasted for espresso, I’m really enjoying this coffee as an aero-press as well and would highly recommend it for any of your filter brews.
The estate (Darpamer) is owned by Merlin Rosibel Nolasco and his wife Darlin. It is just north-east of the border with El Salvador. Merlin was born into coffee – his mother Rosalina Calix is a first generation farmer who instilled the caficultor spirit in her children Merliin, Freddy and Nora. Today the three of them collaborate on each other’s farms, and are all involved in the production of specialty coffee.
Merlin has been working Darpamer for almost 10 years. Here he grows Catuai and Lempira, along with fruit trees including orange, lime and banana. This year he has changed his nutrition management and pruning techniques, which allowed him to increase his overall productivity of the farm to 25 bags of parchment coffee. He has his own wet mill at the farm that is fed by a natural waterfall. In the future he plans to improve the wet mill facility to continually improve the quality of his coffee, as well as plant more barrier trees to minimise topsoil erosion.
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