The Latest Coffee Fad: Coffee Beans made out of Elephant Poo!
We all love to drink at least a cup of coffee each day, it has lots of benefits for our body and mind. However the coffee bean manufacturers always try to bring us some new, exciting flavors in order to make us pay more. Let’s face it, a lot of people spend money on things they don’t need, so spending a few dollars on a good coffee is the least of the worries that a person should have. At least it’s something good and refreshing.
If you remember, a few years ago there was the Civet coffee which sold for around 150$ a pound, which people considered a lot at that time. The process involved a civet eating the ripe berries, pooping the seeds with people collecting and then processing them in order to create the famous coffee which had a very interesting, unique taste.
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Coffee made out of coffee poop.
We can now find something similar to the civet coffee on the market, in form of elephant coffee. A Thailand based company named Black Ivory Coffee actually grows and nurtures elephants so they eat coffee beans and poop the seeds. Just like in the case of the civet coffee, this particular company has gatherers whose main purpose is to scour through the elephant droppings and find the seeds. Based on some reports, it seems that the gatherers are mainly women, while the men are taking care of the elephants.
They give 8% of sales to elephant care
What’s quite interesting here is the fact that these people actually give a percentage of sales to a foundation that takes care of the elephants. They also cover the expenses of veterinary visits through this money as well. This is mainly brought on as an incentive to make people pay more than a normal coffee.
A lot more actually, since 30 espresso cups from the fabled elephant coffee cost around 275$ or even more. Not only that, but the company also sells a special type of coffee brewer that is quite expensive as well. From what they say, this coffee has the best taste if you place it through their special coffee roaster, as that will provide the aroma and interesting flavor you are looking for.
In the end, it comes down to each one of us to choose what type of coffee we drink, but instead of spending so much money on this special coffee we can make a donation to a foundation that takes care of elephants and with the rest we can purchase a Sydney coffee roaster and some beans from a wholesale coffee supplier, then get the same result. This is just a thought though, and those that want to try out the famous elephant coffee are free to do so. See our range of Single Origin Coffee Beans and get free delivery to your home or office today!
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