The Migration Agent Landscape
As you’re aware, adapting to the changing migration environment is crucial to your business survival over the next 5 years. The volatile nature of the landscape means value adding is now a necessity.
Big Opportunity
Over the course of 2014-15 over 640,000 applications are expected to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection. This is off the back of a yearly growth rate of 5.5% over the last 5 years. Shockingly though, less than one third will go through a Migration Agent. There is a clear opportunity here.
Providing additional services to your brand means you can value add and you could attract more of the market. One such way is by showing your clients the pathway to a job. Cafes in Australia are seeking skilled Barista’s and you are in a position to affect this. Black Market Roasters offers Barista Courses in Sydney designed to help your clients get a job in the industry. This way they are self-sustaining and have found a base in the country.
Understand Your Client’s Needs
Security, Income, and a vibrant social network is key to a clients decision making process when coming into Australia. If you can address these concerns, it will put you at the forefront of the migrants mid, and above other competition. Recommending a Barista Course to a portion of your client base may help them decide to sign up for your services as they appreciate the level of service you can provide.
Value Add or Lost Market Share
It is predicted that Migrant numbers will be declining in the next couple of years, which limits the pool of your potential clients. Reacting to this you will need to increase efficiencies and market share through value adding. Black Market Roasters Barista Course in Sydney can help you value add to your clients by providing a pathway to employment, reducing the fear of insecurity.
The Threat of Government Restriction
It pays to watch the unemployment rate. If projections for a higher unemployment rate come into play, then they will reduce migrant levels such as in 2009/2010. Whilst Australia continues to be seen as an attractive migrant destination, unemployment, paused at 6.0% in October this year is set to rise for the foreseeable future. This may mean government restrictions on migration as they look to win political brownie points by supporting local workers.
Some Agents have adapted and focused their business on predominately employer sponsored or business visa applications. With over 60% of migrants entering being under the age of 29, one would think that an Agent who focuses their core business to target this demographic, would achieve results.
In this way, Black Market Roaster’s Barista Course in Sydney targets that exact age group by helping your clients train to become a Barista and setup a base in Australia
Who Are Black Market Roasters?
We are a Professional Coffee Roasting Company, specialising in Barista Courses for clients wanting to get a job in the café industry. We offer short courses to clients looking for skills to attend a café trial and ultimately work part-time or full-time to compliment their other objectives in Australia.
We work with various Agents in New South Wales as they recommend potential Baristas and we can often pay a referral fee for clients that take up the class.
If you are interested in hearing more, or can refer some of your clients immideiatley call on 0414 924 685, email info@blackmarketroasters.com.au or head to out website http://bmroasters.staging.wpengine.com for further details.
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