If the name ‘Scott Laboratories’ doesn’t leave you feeling tingly all over with excitement and anticipation, I don’t know what will. It’s got to be one of the sexiest names in coffee. Sure, gesha or geisha are up there, but I’d say they’re quite pretty. Beautiful. Maybe even ethereal. But sexy? That’s Scott Laboratories’ business.
Maybe you’re not feeling it yet. Listen closely.
SL28. SL34.
Yeh? You feeling me now? Does this initialism not ooze syrupy blackcurrant jam through your veins? Yeh you know it now – the Scott Laboratory varietals. Mmm baby.
These two varietals are synonymous with Kenyan coffee to me. There are definitely many other high quality ones grown in Kenya, like Ruiru 11 and Batian, but the SL’s are what come to mind first in all their jammy, dried redcurrant and goji berry glory.
Scott Laboratories (now going by National Agricultural Laboratories) were a research facility in Kenya, providing training and advice to the Kenyan farmers, and part of their research and development was the study of coffee trees from various origins.
SL28 was born out of this study. A group of forty two coffee trees were being studied for drought and disease resistance, yield and quality. Amongst this auspicious number (it is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, for those who know), was a singular stand out, a Tanzanian (nee Tanganyika) delight with waxen leaf and a textured trunk, and being declared the shining star of the bunch, its seeds were collected, distributed, and bred until voila! SL28. A new star is born.
Great at high altitudes, it has a certain rusticity to it, meaning it is able to lie dormant for years and then successfully return to fruit bearing, rather than a quaint country charm. Which it does have as well. But before we go shouting from the rooftops and declare all nations shall burn their currant coffee crops and bow down only to these beauties, just note while they are low maintenance, which I’m told is a desirable quality, they’re also a little susceptible to bouts of disease, leaf rust, and pests. Enjoy responsibly.
SL28 doesn’t have a particularly glamorous or romantic discovery story, but you know what? True true love is more than a meet-cute or a serendipitous encounter, it takes a dedication to seeking beauty and truth, it’s a committed relationship that takes work, and encouragement, respect, building up valuable traits amidst faults. That is true romance. So I change my mind. SL28 is a great love story.
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